What to know before undergoing Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that helps women to get the desired shape and size of their breasts. Treatment includes insertion of breast implants made up of saline or silicone under breast muscles of the women.
General anesthesia is used during this procedure.To get best results from the surgery, you must communicate your expectations with your surgeon who is well qualified and experienced professional.
During the recovery period post surgery, you can have some swelling or bruising around the treated area which will fade away with time. It can take four to eight weeks for you to recover from this surgery.
For women who feel emotionally and physically challenged due to small breasts, breast augmentation is the best solution for them to regain self confidence and have an attractive appearance.
Things You Should Know Before Breast Augmentation
Before taking the decision of getting the surgery, there are some points you should be aware of which will be discussed below
1. Surgeon Competent or Not :- You must have full knowledge of your surgeon’s qualification, experience and whether he or she is board certified or not. To ensure good results, you can see previous surgery results of your surgeon. Surgeons must have good communication skills so that you will feel comfortable to talk about any doubt or information about the procedure of the surgery.
2. Must Have Real Expectations :- Having unrealistic expectations from the surgery can be disappointing. So, to make sure your expectations are real you must discuss your wants from the results of the surgery. Surgeons can suggest the best solutions this way.
3. Incision To Be Used By Surgeon :- Four kinds of incisions are there i.e. Transaxillary, Inframammary, Areolar and Trans – umbilical. You must ask which kind of incision surgeon is going to use for your procedure.
4. Risks & Complications :- Like any other surgery, breast augmentation has some risks and complications associated with it too :-
- Mild Pain around breasts
- Extreme bleeding and Swelling
- Loss of sensation around nipples
- Implant Leakage or Rupture
- Risk of Infection
- Asymmetry in results
- Visible Scarring
5. Breast Implants Need Long term Maintenance :- Breast implants usually have 10 years of age which can be increased with your proper maintenance. So, you should keep in mind that after a period of time you need to get these breast implants changed.
6. Choose Right Breast Implant Type :- As breast implants are made up of saline or silicon and both have their own pros & cons. Depending upon your needs and suitability, you must choose the right kind of breast implant for you after discussing it with your surgeon.
7. Breastfeeding :- Despite the fact that breast implants often do not interfere with breastfeeding, it is nevertheless advisable to discuss any worries with your surgeon before getting one, particularly if you intend to have children in the future.
8. Recovery Time :- You must be aware of this fact that you have to take a week or two off from your work and have full body rest in this time to recover. Any kind of physical activities must be avoided at least three to four weeks after the surgery.
You can have swelling, bruising, scars, numbness and many more complications during recovery which must be handled carefully. To avoid any kind of mistake, you must visit your surgeon often.
9. Does Not Affect Breast Cancer :- Mammography and other breast cancer screening tests may be affected by breast implants. Make sure to tell your medical professionals that you have breast implants and go over the best screening strategy.
10. Breast Implant Illness :- Breast implant sickness has been linked to symptoms like weariness, joint discomfort, and cognitive issues that some women with breast implants have noticed. Even though the illness is still not fully understood, it’s crucial to be aware of any dangers and talk to your surgeon about them.
11. Keep Company On the Day of Surgery :- When you will be discharged after surgery, you will need someone to drive you home. So, on the day of surgery you must bring someone from your family or friends with you.
During post surgical care too, you can keep company with yourself to avoid doing any work and have enough rest and sleep to recover better.
12. Asymmetry In Breasts :- Breast augmentation might not totally cure asymmetry if your breasts were unbalanced before the surgical procedure. Your surgeon can go over your treatment choices for breast asymmetry and assist you in choosing the best course of action. So, make sure you share every detail of your medical history and health considerations with your surgeon.
Any kind of surgery needs a lot of care before and after. There is a list of precautions that you must follow to make sure you get the desired results. After the results, to go through the recovery period, you need to make sure you are making the recovery smooth and enhancing its effects in all possible aspects. For that, you need an expert in this field who can guide you with their knowledge. If you want to proceed with this surgery, you can book an appointment with our surgeon and discuss all your queries.