What does one go through during Breast Augmentation?

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Breast Augmentation also known as breast enlargement is a surgical procedure , helps women to enlarge the size and enhance the shape of their breasts. Use of silicone or saline based breasts implants is done under the breast muscles ensuring the safety and comfort to women.
Any woman who feels insecure or unhappy with the certain size or shape of their breasts , can get this surgery done. There can be many reasons due to which breasts lose their volume like pregnancy, aging, extreme weight loss which results in asymmetry in breasts too.

Like any other surgery, this surgery also includes some risks associated with it like extreme swelling or bleeding, scarring, numbness or mild pain. After the surgery, within one or two week you will start recovering and can continue with your normal routine and job.

Breast Augmentation is only for women whose ages are more than 18, have realistic expectations, do not smoke or drink, and have good health overall.

Learn From One Woman’s Experience With Breast Augmentation
A woman’s breast augmentation experience can be a great resource for understanding the procedure, aftercare, and expectations associated with this kind of cosmetic surgery. The experience of a fictitious woman is described below to better explain the procedure.

28-year-old Casie felt self-conscious about the size and shape of her breasts . So she started doing research that led her to ultimately make the decision to have the operation done. She chose a board-certified plastic surgeon with a solid track record of patient satisfaction after giving the matter a serious thought.

Consultation With Chosen Surgeon
Taking the first step, she went for consultation with the surgeon she chose for her surgery. The surgeon evaluated her medical history, breast anatomy, and her expectations with the results of the surgery. They talked about the many implant types that are available, their benefits, and drawbacks. Casie chose to have silicone implants positioned underneath the chest muscle.

The surgeon also described the surgical procedure, including where the incision would be made, the kind of anesthesia used, and the anticipated period for recovery. Maggie felt confident proceeding with the operation because the consultation process had given her a complete understanding of the process. Surgery date got finalized and Maggie got her timings booked for the surgery day.

Surgery Day Of Casie
Casie arrived at the surgical facility early on the day of the procedure. She received a light sedative to help her unwind before being brought into the surgical room. Casie was put under general anesthesia by the anesthesiologist, and she was unconscious the entire time.

After making a little incision beneath Casie’s breast, the surgeon formed a pocket where the implant would be inserted. The physician stitched up the incision after carefully placing the silicone implant. Within 1 ½ hours , the surgery was completed.

Recovery Period
Casie awoke in the recovery area feeling a little uncomfortable and sore. Her agony was treated with painkillers, and the nursing team watched over her until she was fit to return home. She was told to take it easy and stay away from any heavy lifting or vigorous activities for a few days.

Casie reported some swelling and bruising over the following few days, which is typical following this kind of surgery. She was careful to adhere to the surgeon’s directions and restrain herself. She felt considerably better after a week and was able to go back to work.

Results From Surgery

Casie was ecstatic with how well the breast augmentation worked. She had never felt more assured and self-assured. Casie was thrilled with the size and form of her new breasts and the way the silicone implants looked and felt.

Post Surgery Follow Up

The surgeon set up a number of follow-up sessions to keep tabs on Maggie’s development and make sure the healing process was continuing without a hitch. The surgeon examined Casie’s incision site and kept track of her overall recovery at each visit. He also gave guidance on how to resume regular activities and gradually increase activity.

Casie’s breasts kept healing and settling into their final position over time. She was careful to adhere to the surgeon’s recommendations for post-operative care, which included using a supportive bra and avoiding intense activities and heavy lifting.

Important Points To Keep In Mind

Casie learned many important things from her breast augmentation experience. She first understood the value of carefully choosing a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon. Second, she discovered that the consultation procedure is essential for comprehending the process, establishing expectations, and guaranteeing a successful finish. Finally, she discovered that while the healing process can be difficult, it is manageable with the right care and support.

You can go through previous testimonials and see results yourself when you talk to our surgeons. You can get your personalized consultation by booking an appointment in your city nearby and can get an expert advice.

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