Do’s and Don’ts for best Breast Augmentation Results

Many women face lack of self confidence due to their shape of the breasts and face a lot of discomfort , for which they can go for Breast Augmentation Surgery and get the right sized breasts. This surgery is very popular among women due to its success rate and promising results. Under this surgery, breast implants are placed under the breast or chest muscles to increase the size of the breasts with the help of incisions. In most of the cases, general anesthesia is used during this surgery, rest relies on the doctor’s choice.
Do’s And Don’ts To Get The Breast Augmentation Results
The recovery and outcomes of the surgery depends too much on your post surgery care. It is very important to keep things in mind which have to be done and avoided after the surgery and also all the precautions should be taken care of. Below we are going to discuss some Do’s And Don’ts after Breast Augmentation Surgery.
Post Surgery Do’s
1. Eat Balanced Diet
You should try adding sufficient nutrients and protein to your diet and should avoid unhealthy food to have a speedy Recovery. Balanced diet leads to good blood formation and flow throughout the body.
2. Stay Hydrated
Water is considered very useful for the skin and a medium of getting all the intoxicants removed from the body. Water makes your body feel active and help for the quick healing of wounds with its benefits.
3. Take Medicines On Time
To get relief from the pain and help with the stitches , it is important to have medicines on time given by your surgeon. Do not skip any dose of your medications for better results.
4. Take Plenty of Rest And Be Stress Free
Rest is very important for the body to relax and heal. Taking adequate rest after the surgery is very essential for the body. Try to be stress free and doing things you like the most as inner positivity can make you recover faster.
5. Exercise Regularly
Doing small exercises daily can keep your body healthy and your blood circulation good. Walking after the surgery can help you get rid of blood clots which can have a post surgery effect.
6. Have Adequate Sleep
Sleeping is considered as the best time period for the body to recover. So getting plenty of sleep after the surgery should be one of your priorities. Sleeping comfortably on your back is advised for good quality sleep.
7. Massage Treated Area
Massaging the area where surgery is done can make the blood flow in that part more efficient. Massaging also helps to avoid any bad scarring over the treated area which is very common after any surgery. We can not totally get rid of the scars in a short period of time, but we can keep our body get rid of any permanent scarring.
8. Keep The Surgeon Updated
Having good communication with your surgeon is very important to know if you are doing anything wrong. If you have any doubts , or you are having any trouble , then you can easily discuss your situation with the surgeon. So keeping your surgeon updated is essential to get better results.
1. Beware Of Water Around Stitches
Getting your wounds touched with the water , can become a risk for the infection and make the wounds worse. So while having shower or washing your hair, you must keep your wounds covered.
2. Avoid Smoking And Drinking
Drinking and Smoking should be strictly avoided after the surgery as they are just a hindrance in your results and a reason for your slow recovery.
3. Avoid Intense Workout
You should avoid any intense workout, heavy lifting or strenuous exercises that can put stress on your breasts in any way. So avoiding intense physical activities can keep your body away from any stress.
4. Don’t Wear Uncomfortable Clothes
Wearing too tight clothes can make your body comfortable and avoid the bras that have wired straps. These kinds of clothes can be painful and stressful for your body.
5. Don’t Miss any Appointment With Surgeon
You should try to attend every appointment scheduled with your surgeon to get updates and recovery rate of your body. It is important for you and the surgeon to know if your body is healing usually or not.
6. Avoid Swimming
Swimming after the surgery means getting your body in touch with water that can be too dangerous for the wounds. So, avoid swimming after the surgery’s few weeks until your wounds get fully healed.