Common Myths of Breast Augmentation Surgery: Reality Check

Experts consider breast augmentation as an optimum aesthetic procedure for breast implantation. During this process, the breasts are implanted under the breast or chest tissues with the help of incisions. Recovery from breast augmentation takes between one and two months. For this procedure, the surgeons mostly use general anesthesia.
The surgery accompanies many myths, which you should overcome if you are about to go for a breast augmentation. Hence, it is good to consult your plastic surgeon to know about the entire procedural details before deciding to get this surgery. It will also help you to decipher the reality behind all the myths.
Myths about Breast Augmentation
Mentioned here are some of those common myths followed by the associated facts.
Myth 1: Fake Appearance
Fact: The surgeon will place breast implants only after taking the necessary measures of your breast size, thus giving your overall appearance a natural look. The expert carries out the procedure only after informing you of all the associated pros and cons of breast augmentation. Just ensure that the plastic surgeon has the necessary training and experience.
Myth 2: Trouble in Breast – Feeding
Fact: Women nursing their infants often believe that the breast augmentation procedure will make it more difficult for them to do so, which is untrue. Breasts are implanted under the breast tissues, so that they may not suffer any injury or face any problem in their capacity to produce milk.
Myth 3: Not able to continue with sports and workouts
Fact: Although you must refrain from any strenuous activity or workout for a few weeks, you can resume your regular physical activities, workouts, and sports after your body has fully recovered. The idea that you cannot engage in strenuous exercise or contact sports after breast augmentation is thus a complete fallacy.
Myth 4: Painful
Fact: Another misconception is that breast augmentation is an extremely unpleasant procedure. However, the reality is that there may be some stiffness and swelling near the treated regions. These side effects can be completely resolved in 1-2 weeks with the help of proper medications and safety measures, as suggested by your plastic surgeon. You can enjoy the results for the rest of the time.
Myth 5: Instant Results
Fact: Every operation needs time to heal and reveal the full consequences of the procedure performed. Many changes may be visible immediately following the surgery. Only a few weeks after the surgery, you will start observing the outcomes depending on the patient’s post-operative care, precautions, and the surgeon’s recommendations.
Myth 6: Permanent Scars
Fact: Scars are a natural result of any operation that involves incisions, but it is possible to lessen them with the assistance of a skilled surgeon. By using bras, you can conceal these scars easily. As per the surgeon’s instructions, you can use several scar removal techniques and treatments.
Myth 7: Causes Breast Cancer
Fact: Breast augmentation cannot cause cancer with the current advanced technology. Nothing about the operation might cause breast cancer. The Food and Drug Administration has determined that breast implants are safe. Even when saline implants are ruptured, the liquid will be expelled from the body through natural processes without causing any harm. To replace a silicone implant, revision surgery can be done.
Myth 8: Losing Breast Sensation
Fact: You will not feel anything around your nipple area until a few weeks after the operation because of the change in size that your breast experiences. The sensation will return after the nerves eventually acclimate to their new structure because of the procedure.
Myth 9: Only for Young People
Fact: Under Breast Augmentation, there are no age restrictions. Any woman who wants to give her breasts a decent shape and increase their size may do it under the supervision of a skilled surgeon. The only condition is that she should meet the requirements and is in good health to undergo surgery.
Myth 10: Costly Procedure
Fact: Compared to other plastic operations available, the cost of a breast augmentation treatment is quite consistent. Therefore, if you want to improve the appearance of your body, you can get this operation. The prices can still vary depending on the facilities a clinic or hospital offers.
Myth 11: Can be done by any plastic surgeon
Fact: Not all plastic surgeons can do all plastic surgeries. Instead, they must be skilled and knowledgeable enough to handle the procedure. Therefore, it will be wise to approach only the experienced and board-certified doctors having adept expertise in performing breast augmentation surgery. You should prepare for the surgery only after reviewing the entire procedure with them.
Myth 12: Need to replace the Implants often
Fact: After the procedure, it is better not to update your breast implants regularly, such as after five or ten years. The life span of implants is 10 to 20 years. After speaking with the surgeon, you can choose a replacement if you are not happy with the results after the procedure.
It is normal to fall prey to myths as you listen to different stories from different people. What you need is to make sure that you get the right information before going through the procedure.
Being aware of the most common myths that people believe and the associated reality is hence important. You can contact our surgeons in your preferred city and book an appointment with them for further consultation.